Tuesday 31 May 2016


I've set up this blog to practice my writing skills & share my thoughts on writing, books, films, tennis, football, hot men & whatever else takes my fancy at any given time. If anyone else wants to read it, then that's a bonus. I'm not looking to appeal to any particular audience. It's all to selfishly entertain myself & to exercise the old writing muscles after a long break from the creative process these past few years.

I'm also planning on reviewing a variety of books & films - including all of the Carnegie Medal winning books & Oscar winning films from the present day back to the beginning. If I can work in a few points about the evolution of film making/acting/writing for children/literature in general throughout these posts, then even better.

I also want to throw in a few opinion pieces here & there on other topics. And provide the Blogosphere with a daily update of hot pictures of various famous or semi-famous hot men. Because, you know, there aren't enough sites out there that provide for that. ;)

If you've stumbled upon this blog somehow, despite it likely being at the back end of any Google search results, please feel free to say Hi & let me know how you got here!
